Christmas Holiday Newsletter

You'll find updates for the Early Career Framework, Appropriate Body and NPQs.
Early Career Framework Updates
- This half-term we have started to register Early Career Techers (ECTs) that will be starting their two-year Early career Development Programme (ECPDP) induction in January 2023. Please visit our website by following this link for full details or by e-mailing
- We have been busy organising the Spring Term training events for our Year 1 and Year 2 ECTs as well as for Mentors of Year 1 ECTs. Participants can sign up via the Education Development Trust’s website - communication has been sent out to Induction Tutors and participants about how to complete this sign up.
- We have had several mentors request a buddy and we will be pairing mentors up before the end of term so they can have this extra support moving into the Spring term. If there are mentors who would like a buddy and have not signed up for one please complete this form.
- We have worked with our fabulous team of facilitators to establish a quality assurance process for our training events to ensure our participants are receiving consistent and excellent training. Every facilitator delivering the ECPDP training events will be quality assured over the spring and summer terms by a member of the HISP Teaching School Hub.
Looking Ahead
- From January Induction Tutors, ECTs and Mentors will receive an overview to their half-term Block training to support them in completing their self-study. We hope this will prove useful for all our participants.
- We look forward to welcoming participants to their Spring Term Training events – places can be booked via the Education Development Trust’s website.
Key Reminders
- To help manage cohorts of ECTs and their mentors we will be labelling cohorts as A or B cohorts depending on whether the cohort started in the academic year 21/22 or 22/23. For example, September Cohort A (September 2021 starters) and September Cohort B (September 2022 starters).
- April Cohort A (April 2022 starters) and January Cohort B (January 2023 starters) should book onto Local Training Sessions and Regional Training Events with the September Cohort B. This way they will benefit from the networking opportunities a bigger cohort will provide.
- The Blocks that participants should be completing by Friday 16th December are:
- September Cohort A: Blocks 7&8
- January Cohort A: Blocks 5&6
- April Cohort A: Blocks 3&4
- September Cohort B: Blocks 1&2
- Induction Tutors can monitor block completion of their ECTs and Mentors by using the ‘Report’ section on the EDT Online Learning Platform. Mentors can also monitor their ECT’s block completion via the same tab. A useful video of how to navigate this can be found in the ‘Help’ section of the EDT Online Learning Platform.
- We continue to update our website with key information about the ECF and ECPDP which includes DfE latest announcements about funding ECTs and Mentors. Visit it by following this link.
- Please continue to contact Justine Briant (our ECF Administrator) with any queries or questions:
- To register any new or transferring ECTs please use this eMail address:
- If schools do need to e-mail the DfE directly about registration issues please use the following e-mail address:
Appropriate Body Updates
- We have been busy registering Early Career Teachers for a January 2023 start. If schools have Early Career Teachers starting at their school, whether they are transferring from another school or starting out with their two-year induction period, then please visit our website here for full details about how to register for HISP Teaching School Appropriate Body services, or you can e-mail Please note that the deadline for registering a new ECT is 9th January 2023.
- Induction Tutors have been busy meeting and observing their Early Career Teachers this half-term to inform the writing of their reports. We are looking forward to reading about the process of all our Early Career Teachers once the deadline for submission has passed on 6th December 2022. Thank you to all Induction Tutors for all their efforts with this piece of work.
Looking Ahead
- Next half-term, Induction Tutors will be busy again organising their half-termly meetings with their Early Career Teachers. During these meetings, Induction Tutors will be checking the progress of their Early Career Teachers against the Teachers’ Standards and the evidence that is being collected to support this progress. Please visit our website by following this link for all the relevant paperwork to support this process.
- Deadlines for the next round of reporting is: 21st March 2023.
Key Reminders
- Our website holds all the relevant information for Induction Tutors in regard to assessment dates, paperwork and roles and responsibilities. Please visit it by following this link.
- Please do remember to inform us if there are any concerns with your ECTs and if you need any advice about putting your ECT on a support plan. Please also be in touch if there are any changes to roles, contracts or personal details so we can update ECT Manager and the Teacher Regulation Agency.
- Please continue to contact Emma Gerrard (our Appropriate Body Administrator) with any queries/ questions:
NPQ Updates
Are you ready to take the next step on your leadership journey?
NPQs are specialist and leadership professional development qualifications for teachers and school leaders. We are pleased to be continuing our partnership with Education Development Trust (EDT) to deliver the full suite of NPQs, including the new NPQs for Leading Literacy and Early Years Leadership.
Applications for our EDT February 23 Cohort close on: 1 February 2023 – click here to apply now
Applications for our BPN February 23 Cohort close on: 16 December 2022 – click here to apply now
We are also recruiting to two specific specialist NPQ groups with EDT for a February 2023 start:
- NPQ Leading Teacher Development Maths – for colleagues who have, or who are aspiring to have responsibilities for leading the development of maths teachers across their school
- NPQ Leading Teaching Science - for colleagues who have, or who are aspiring to have responsibilities for leading science teaching across their school
In addition to the above specific specialist NPQ groups we are delighted to be working in partnership with Portsmouth City Council and Salterns Academy Trust to offer leaders and aspiring leaders of literacy in Portsmouth Schools the opportunity to join a local Portsmouth NPQ Leading Literacy group from February 2023 with EDT. Please click here for further details.
Please contact Molly McBurnie (HISP TSH NPQ Administrator) if you would like to discuss our NPQ programme offering from February 2023 in more detail: