Summer Term 1 Newsletter

Primary and Secondary Teaching for Mastery Work Groups
The Solent Maths Hub are pleased to announce that applications have opened for our Primary and Secondary Teaching for Mastery Work Groups next year:
There are two possible starting points for the Primary TfM Pathway:
1. Mastery Readiness
This free programme includes five whole-day workshops and five bespoke school visits across the year. Participants will unpick minders, systems and leadership to ensure their school is in an excellent position to adopt a Teaching for Mastery approach. This year leads into the Mastery Development year and ensures consistent support on your TfM journey.
2. Mastery Development
This free programme includes three bespoke school visits and six half-day Teacher Research Groups (TRGs). The TRGs focus around watching live lessons to support and empower participants to engage in action research in their own schools. Every TRG is led by a Primary Mastery Specialist who will also conduct the school visits, providing support and continuity. This work group also comes with £1000 of funding per school towards releasing teachers for their sessions.
For more information and the application form, please email:
Mastery Development
This free programme comprises of five half-day TRGs and four bespoke school visits. The Work Group focused on the key principles of mathematics teaching such a variation, representation and curriculum coherence and is an opportunity for teachers to plan, observe and unpick lessons with other schools across the region.
For more information and the application form, please email:
Who join a TfM Work Group?
'Great opportunities for refection and discussion'
'Extremely useful - the discussion around language and the importance of progression across school was really thought-provoking'
'I feel inspired to make change happen in my school'
'I now have a much greater understanding of TfM and the impact it can have'
'Clear explanations backed with research'
'Making sure that children know the purpose of a representation was a really useful discussion'
We look forward to working with you in September!